/* Introduction to Computer Graphics: a Practical Learning Approach F. Ganovelli, M. Corsini, S. Pattanaik, M. Di Benedetto How to use the code provided with the book */ === How to modify the clients === One uncompressed, see the following folders and files: nvmc --chapter2 --chapter3 --chapter4 --chapter5 --chapter6 --chapter7 --chapter9 --chapter10 --lib --media --media_remote --globals.js --readme.txt --style.css Each folder contains the client introduced in the corresponding chapter of the book. Each client is inside a numbered folder, for example: chapter2 --0 ----0.html ----0.js ----shaders.js There are two ways to run the client in your machine: 1. WITH A LOCAL WEB SERVER If you have a local webserver, then all you have to do is to set the document root to "nvmc". Then you can type in your web-enabled browser: localhost/chapter2/0/0.html 2. WITHOUT A LOCAL WEB SERVER If you do not have a local web server then you must uncomment the last line of file globals.js. This will prefix a string containing a url to the remote server where to load resources (geometry and textures) In this case you can just open directly any client file (like chapter2/0/0.html) and it's done. NOTE: if you are NOT connected to the internet and you have NOT a web server installed, you can still directly open the html files with the browser, but clients after chapter5/0 won't work poperly because they need geoemtry models and textures. === Tools for developing === In principle you only need a text editor